si YUWIE yang NGasiH MoNeY...
Karena diblog gw ini ada image link milik Yuwie, so boleh lah gw info dikit.
Gw termasuk golongan Newbie di komunitas Yuwie…
But it’s cool enough to find out more ‘bout this networking.
Ok. gw coba ulas sedikit tentang si Yuwie ini…
Yuwie adalah sebuah situs jaringan sosial online yang memungkinkan kita untuk menjalin dunia per-teman-an all over the world. Link to friend, tukeran gambar/foto, saling berbagi info, komen, etc….(pasti anda tahu situs2 lain seperti ini yang sudah lebih dulu hadir..right?) is an online social networking service that allows our members to set up personal profiles for the purpose of linking to friends and sharing information, videos, blogs, and pictures. Yuwie members can view each others' profiles, communicate with old friends and meet new friends on the service.
Yuwie, dibangun oleh Korry Rogers (founder) & di-Launch sejak Juli 2007.
Kelebihan yang ditawarkan Yuwie dari situs Social Networking lain adalah member Yuwie mendapatkan bayaran setiap kali Log-On, kirim pesan, upload gambar atau meng-invite orang lain untuk join – dengan menggunakan sistem referral tree.
Yuwie also pays our members for based on the amount of activity they have, and based on the activity of their referrals. To enrich our members' experience, we request and display some personal information to other members and visitors, which allows our users to identify each other and expand their network of friends. Yuwie members can change their profile information at any time and can control if and how other members and the service communicates with them, and views their information.

Get Paid dari Yuwie mencakup hal2 sbb:
1.Mendapat 1 page view jika melihat salah satu dari halaman dari control panel kita sendiri, mencakup namun tidak terbatas pada: settings, messaging, friends,referrals, favorites, dll
2.Mendapat 1 page view dari member lain, jika member tsb melihat/membuka :
-your profile page ; contoh
-your blog pages ; contoh
-all your friends ; contoh
-all your comments ; contoh
-your picture pages ; contoh
-your shared layouts (template); contoh
3.Komisi Referrals (teman atau teman mengajak teman) – 10 Level Referrals
"If someone only refers three of their friends, who refer three of their friends through 10 levels, that one person will collect a percentage of advertising revenues from about 88,000 end-users, which could be about $8,800 [£4,427] per month for that person."
Yang tidak dihitung sebagai page view:
- Refresh/reload halaman
- Any page that's viewed within 3 seconds of the last page
- Any view from a 'guest' or non logged in visitor.
Hitungannya kurang lebih spt ini :
YUWIE akan membayar setiap 1000 Impression = $ 0,50
artinya: setiap 1 Impression (1 halaman dibuka) = kira-kira 5 Rupiah untuk satu halaman.
Ok then, silahkan kalo temen2 yang belum join sekalian pengen tau lebih banyak soal si-Yuwie ini, boleh register via referral gw ini (saling dukung boleh dong) atau langsung kunjungi situsnya.
"The whole goal of Yuwie is for people to get paid for what they're doing already" akan bedah dikit isi control panel si Yuwie…
Good Luck
Referensi info: BBC News
Yuwie - Get Friends
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