
BeatMaster Radio

Mar 8, 2006

Sharing love, Joy follows

This journey through life is yours;
Live more in the moment and less in the past.
Resolve to accept others differences and opinions,
Knowing it's okay to agree to disagree.

Embrace every day, every hour, and every moment
Just as if each were your last.
Share less of injustice; renew disappointment;
Focus on the positive.

For this is your life, no one can live it...
No one can change it... Except for you.
You have the power to change today, any time, any way!

Spread love just as the bees spread honey
And never leaving a kind word unsaid.
Cherish individuality, for it is the uniqueness
That makes each of us special.

Embrace family; treat them like friends...
Surely then those relationships will never end.
Accept others make mistakes,
Learn to forgive, to let go... to move on.

For this is your life, no one can live it...
No one can change it... Except for you.
Remember, you have the power to change today, any time, any way!

History should remain a study of the past, a valuable lesson perhaps.
Press onward, not backward.
Resolve to concentrate less on the lack of communication...
And more on becoming part of establishing it.

Spend less time focusing on others weakness and more on improving your own...
And know, when you stand back, it will seem like magic...
Great things will happen!

Remember too, that by sharing love, joy follows
And isn't that what really makes life worth living?

FOR THIS IS YOUR LIFE, no one can live it...
No one can change it... Except for you.

And my wish for you today;
To always believe and to always know
You have the power to change today, any time, any way!